Laurie Mooney

Team Member in 2024

Laurie is a 57-year-old who loves to be active. Her greatest accomplishment however, is her 3 adult children. Molly lives in Salt Lake City working as a nurse at SLC hospital. A great place to spend time for skiing and hiking! Danny just graduated from Hope college and is a civil engineer whose first project is the ice-skating path for Holland, Michigan. Joey is a sophomore at Hope College currently, worked in Alaska last summer and studied abroad in Amsterdam last fall. During Laurie's parenting years she still maintained her love of running. At the Detroit Free Press marathon, her first one, she placed first in her age group & qualified for the 2017 Boston marathon. After competing in 6 marathons, Laurie was ready for something different and her MMTC teammates kept encouraging her to try a triathlon again. That sounded daunting because the swim portion at Sleepy Hallow 17 years ago was discouraging. Now entering her third season, Laurie hopes for another fun and competitive tri season, but also has a wedding to plan for her daughter Molly, who gets married on Mackinac Island in September. Last year Laurie did the sprint distance Grand Rapids, Tri Goddess, Ugly Dog Gravel and won 5th place at Ugly Dog! To help her training for Frankfort, she did the MiTi Olympic distance and placed 2nd in her age group and landed in the top ten at Frankfort 70.3.

2024 GOALS

I'm looking forward to having the support of the LTT. You cannot do this alone! My goals for the season are to participate in as many sprints as possible and make time to volunteer in the community. The Capital City Kids Triathlon will be a great place to start. I enjoy meeting new people who share the passion of endurance sports.  By August my focus will be on myy daughter's wedding, training to maintain, and volunteering at the kids' triathlon.